Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Things I want to do and places I want to see

Most of all I want to live a happy fun filled life, full of great times and more importantly great people....

I want to sky drive.. more than once and in different places each time
I want to learn to fly
I want to ride in a hot air balloon
I want to learn how to snowboard and ski... not one or the other BOTH.
I want to go gambling in Las Vegas
I want to stay in the Hard Rock Hotel, The Bellagio, The MGM Grand, The Circus Circus, and The Stratosphere. All expensive but its more about the experience.
I want to see the Ringling Bros. & Barnum and Bailey Circus
I want to ride a Elephant
I want to go on a African Safari
I want to go to Brazil, Romantica, Peru, Hawaii, Germany, Russia, Ireland, All 50 states!
I want to get a post card from every where I go
I want to learn to scuba and go diving on the Great Barrier Reef

I want to see the Seven Wonders of The Ancient World
Great Pyramid of Giza
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Statue of Zeus at Olympia
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus
Colossus of Rhodes
Lighthouse of Alexandria

I want to see the Seven Wonders of The Medieval World
Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa
Great Wall of China
Porcelain Tower of Nanjing
Hagia Sophia
Leaning Tower of Pisa

I want to also see the Seven Natural Wonders of The World
Grand Canyon
Great Barrier Reef
Harbour of Rio de Janeiro
Mount Everest
ParĂ­cutin volcano
Victoria Falls

I want to see The Seven Underwater Wonders of The World
Belize Barrier Reef
Great Barrier Reef
Deep-Sea Vents
Galápagos Islands
Lake Baikal
Northern Red Sea

I want to go to Machu Picchu, and Hagia Sophia
I want to see the Golden Gate Bridge
I want to climb a real mountain
I want to snow shoe in Alaska
I want to take a cruise
I want to go to Disney Land
I want to go to a Amish City
I want to ride a horse in the Alps
I want to go to a rain forest
I want to relax in the Hot Springs of Tolovana in Fairbanks, Ak.
I want to go to Mexico
I want to go on a Missionary, maybe even more than one
I want to visit temples of other religions
I want to learn how to sail, and maybe when I am old sail around the world
I want to see a castle
I want to go to Greece
I want to para sail
I want to see a concert
I want to learn how to play the piano and the violin
I want to go body boarding
I want to go white water rafting and wind surfing
And of course surfing
I want to go rock climbing anywhere that high and dangerous
I want to go to a clear watered beach, and one with white sand and black sand

I know there is more so will update this later.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Hmmm, I am not even sure where to start, but first thing is first, I am an admitted.. horrible speller, Oh and I despise spell check but I will try to use it for the sake of anyone reading this...

Well for starters.. My new found life, I am not sure where it is going or even where I will end up. I do know a few things...

* I am really liken going to this church I am going too, It is called First Pentecostal Church. I like it a lot.. now listen to me when I tell you it is a huge change for me.. They have a lot of ... well lets call them rules.. for me that is what they are. But for the people that live it day by day I guess it is just their way of life. So these are some of the things that are hard for me
~Women, where skirts... EVERYDAY. No pants.... EVER.
~Neither sex wears any type of shirt that shows shoulders or elbows... kinda hard for the girl that owns 47 tank tops ....
~They don't curse... Yeah and I am the girl that swears like a freaking sailor... :)
~Oh good one... NO MAKEUP at all.. EVER.... Hmmm I don't know if I can give that up.. Gees...
~Uh Uh another good one.. Tattoos.. big no no, I already have six.. and want 5 more.. Hmmm, Am I gonna be able to give that up .. or even fit in if I can? Hmmmm
~No dating alone... Only couples dating until you are engaged.. I am already divorced, have had two children.. what the heck do I need a chaperon for?
~ No t.v., No movies, hmmm yeah I love going to the movies, and my kids enjoy t.v. almost every morning... our life's would be so much different.
~Oh and there is no jeweler warn.. not even wedding bands.... Weird? Still kinda for me...

I know there is more I will just have to add it as I remember.

I can say this.. the people there, at the church.. they are truly mind blowing. My favorite thing is to sit and watch as they sing and give their praise to God, It puts me in ah, how they are so full of emotion and believe and happiness and sadness at the same time. I love every moment I am there. I feel so different from them but they welcome me with open arms. It is so different then what I am used to. With them I can just be me, Of course I respect them enough to dress the same as they do.. well I try anyways.. But I don't find myself trying to fit in .. My hole life I hid who I was and lied to myself in the mirror everyday.. Heck I even do its still. There I feel like it is okay to be me... Its crazy cause I can even do it with the guy I work with that goes there when we aren't at church... With most people in my life I still hide .. me... I kinda like not having to all the time... <3

I think my issue with church and the hole God thing is this....

I am so scared of life, of failing, of putting trust in anything.. Before I really knew about God, I had tried to trust humans, women, men , etc. and had be hurt, left behind, beaten , battered, left alone, scared and helpless.. so as I grew up not really knowing what god was /is.. I began pushing him further out of my life for fear of trusting in him and having the same things happen with him. Last year my mother died.. that was kinda when I gave up on the hope of God, I thought to myself.. "how could he do this to me, I already have nothing and no one and he takes her". I was crushed.. I didn't know where to go or who I could talk to. The worst part was I was surround by people and I still felt alone...
Over the past month.. witch is about how long I have been going to FPC, ( First Pentecostal Church) I have noticed that no matter how bad things are for these people they still trust so much in the Lord and that he will help them. They don't know when or how but ... They know he will.

That is so hard for me, especially with my two little ones, They watch every move I make and everything I do in life, I know it will effect them... So I guess in a way I am scared if I trust in him.. Being Our God , Our Lord, Our savour, That my trust might fail or the plan might fail and in turn I would be failing, and failing them. My biggest fear in life has always been failure.. I am not one to ever give up.. I will try until there is nothing left... But if I fail even while trying.. I don't know if I could ever go on...

And I know for them(being the church .. lets call them goers) this looks like nothing, Most.. note I say most, of them have always believed in God so they know nothing of the life I have had to endure.. So they say it will work,Just believe. They have never and will never feel this fear I have... The fear of it not working.. the fear of failing....